How Young Professionals Can Keep Their Skin Looking Flawless

As young professionals, we often have a lot on our plates. We’re juggling work, school, relationships, family life, and so many other things. We’re often so busy that we feel like we don’t have time to take proper care of our skin. However effective skincare doesn’t have to be hard. And if you want your skin to look great for the rest of your life, you need to start taking care of it right now. To keep your skin looking flawless, keep these tips in mind… 

1. Get at least seven hours of sleep.


Sometimes getting in those eight hours is easier said than done. However, our bodies need to rest and recharge. When you start skimping on sleep, it shows in your skin. Dark circles and puffiness start appearing underneath your eyes. Your skin begins to look dull and lackluster. To ensure you wake up looking flawless, give your body the rest it needs by getting as much sleep as you can each and every night.

2. Wash your face every night.

As if you needed another reminder, right? You absolutely must wash your face every single night whether you wore makeup that day or not. Nightly cleanses are essential, not just for removing makeup before bed, but also for removing the dirt, oil, and bacteria that has collected on our skin throughout the day. The truth is, we come into contact with so many environmental pollutants and free radicals throughout the day, and need to cleanse nightly to help prevent them from damaging your skin. For a refreshingly clean face, try Yon-Ka’s Lait Nettoyant, which doubles as a gentle makeup remover!

3. Moisturize regularly.

Keeping your skin hydrated is essential to its overall health. You should be moisturizing twice a day, both morning and night to provide your skin with the hydration it needs. A great moisturizer will prevent your skin from becoming dry, dull, and cracked. However, a common misconception is that people with oily skin shouldn’t use moisturizer. This simply isn’t true! If you don’t moisturize, it can cause your body to produce more oil, which will only leave you looking and feeling greasy. To keep your skin balanced, choose a moisturizer that’s right for you. Below are some suggestions based on your skin type or condition…

4. Be gentle with your skin.

Our skin is very delicate, so you need to make sure you’re taking extra good care of it. What does that mean for you? Don’t be rough when cleansing or treating your skin. You should avoid any harsh scrubbing or abrasive products, as it could be damaging. Also, you should avoid popping or picking at any blemishes. Not only could this cause bacteria to spread, leading to more skin issues, it could also leave you with a scar. If your skin is breaking out, book an appointment with your local esthetician. They can give you their professional opinion and a wide-range of treatments to help.

5. Protect your skin from the sun.


This tip is a no-brainer. If you’re planning to spend any amount of time outside, you absolutely cannot skip the SPF. When your skin burns or tans from the sun, it’s a sign that it has been damaged. Sun damage puts your face on the fast track for signs of aging such as wrinkles and dark spots. To avoid this, you need to be proactive about protecting your skin from the harmful rays of the sun. If you’re going outside, slather on SPF before you head out the door. Yon-Ka has a variety of high-end SPF’s that won’t just protect you from the sun, they’ll also keep your skin looking great and won’t clog your pores (like many over-the-counter sunscreens will).

6. Know how to relax.


Not only does stress leave us feeling frazzled, but it’s not good for your skin either. When you’re stressed, cortisol is released into your body. The trouble with cortisol is that it can break down collagen and elastin. And if you want to keep your skin looking youthful, collagen and elastin are two structural proteins you absolutely need to have because they keep your skin looking firm and will prevent wrinkles and fine lines from appearing. Also, if you have skin conditions like rosacea or psoriasis, stress can actually cause them to worsen by triggering flare-ups.

7. Skip the sugary foods and drinks.

If you want your skin to look its best, it’s equally as important to consider the foods you’re eating as well as what you’re putting on your skin. If you’re not eating healthy, it can really start to show in our skin by resulting in acne, dullness, etc. If you’re worried about acne or are experiencing any breakouts, try skipping the sugary foods and drinks which increase inflammation and can exacerbate breakouts.

8. Exercise regularly.

Fitness Hacks

It’s no secret that regular exercise is important for our bodies. It helps to keep us in shape and healthy. But did you know it’s also great for your skin? It turns out, people who exercise on a regular basis tend to have a more youthful appearance because working out can help to physically reverse some of the signs of aging. To give your skin a boost, try adding at least 30 minutes of exercise into every day. Hit the gym, go to a yoga class, or find some fitness videos on YouTube. Just get active!

Rachel Moffett

Rachel is the blogger behind the lifestyle site, The Haute Notes. She has been blogging since 2009 and loves to use her passion for writing to share fashion advice, beauty tips, and glittery DIYs. Her site aims to help women live fabulous lives, no matter what their budget may be. When she's not blogging, you will likely find her reading for her book club or having movie marathons with friends.

1 Comment
  1. Dermalmd even tone serum is best. One week of use. My face looks amazing. The skin looks bright and radiant due to its brightness. The fragrance is mild & goes off in a timely manner. Yet, it is worth every penny and a good purchase

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