Categories: Skin Care Tips

7 Wrinkle-Forming Habits You Should Stop

When you think of getting more wrinkles on your face, do you feel squeamish? Perhaps, like you’re getting old too fast? Wrinkles aren’t just something that comes with age, there are things you do every day (maybe even right now) that cause them.

Stop speeding up your aging process and break these wrinkle-forming habits for good with the tips below…

1. Not wearing sunscreen.

You cannot deny the power of the sun. When UV rays hit your skin, no matter what skin-tone color you have, your body is affected. Making excuses to not wear sunscreen is one of the worst habits you can make (especially for you beach lovers) as it is the number one cause of wrinkles. We recommend to start wearing sunscreen daily, especially on your face, where skin is the thinnest and most delicate.

2. Squinting.

If you’re squinting, that means the sun’s glare is in your way – and you probably aren’t wearing sunglasses. Being a blue-eyed gal myself, I have gotten into the habit of never leaving my sunglasses at home. Whether you’re in the outdoors or walking down the city street sidewalk, wearing sunglasses will protect the area around your eyes and stop the instinctive squinting (an expression that can lead to wrinkles). If you find you have wrinkles around your eyes, try using an anti-wrinkle cream or serum specifically designed for your eyes to reduce signs of aging.

3. Sleeping on your stomach or side.

Believe it or not, pressing your face against the pillow, having your neck folded over, or your cleavage crease pushed against the mattress can all lead to wrinkles! You may toss and turn regardless and feel like you can’t control it, but just by putting conscious effort right before you fall asleep and lying on your back can prevent wrinkles from forming.

4. Not moisturizing.

All skin-types need moisture, dry and oily (especially oily!). Starting to moisturize your skin now, no matter what age you are, will lead to a glowing complexion. And who doesn’t want that?! Letting your skin rough the weather without any help is only going to result in early aging and deeper lines. If you’re not sure what type of moisturizer to use, I recommend going to a professional aesthetician to get the most accurate information for your skin-type.

5. Pursing your lips.

Sipping through straws, smoking cigarettes, sour expressions… all of these actions will cause unnecessary wrinkles around your mouth. Think about it – if you do something long enough over and over again, you are going to leave a mark, even if it is a gradual process. Take into account your daily habits and where you may be unnecessarily pursing your lips. This way, you can make room to change one or two of the habits and decrease your chance of forming wrinkles around your mouth!

6. Your sweet tooth.

If dessert is nonnegotiable to you, then chances are, wrinkles will be too. Eating too much sugar causes molecules to appear in your bloodstream that harm your collagen and elastin, which are two key components to healthy, plump skin. I find that moderation is the key and to fill up my days with fun, pleasurable activities that take care of my cravings!

7. Smoking.

Smoking isn’t only bad for your health, it’s also bad for your skin. The chemicals in cigarettes damage skin’s elastin and fiber. Blood flow is also restricted, which makes it difficult for oxygen and nutrients to get to skin cells. If smoking is a part of your current lifestyle and you are looking to get rid of the habit, it would be beneficial to ask yourself why you are ready to quit and also write down what steps you are going to take to support yourself in the process.


The moral of this post? Protect your skin by taking time to see why you want to create new healthy, habits that support you and make you look and feel vibrant. This way, you’ll have purpose to your action and make it happen!

Juliet Turalski

Juliet Turalski is a certified success coach and business mentor for women who have a burning mission and desire to earn great while living a lifestyle they love. She specifically assists entrepreneurs on how to connect with their purpose, authentically communicate their message, and transform their relationship to wealth so they can do more of what they love with who they love (can you say earn great and travel often?). She believes when a woman accesses her feminine power that she liberates herself and the world. Also touted as a inspirational speaker, yoga teacher, and host of the Youtube channel, Blissed TV, you can find her traveling and writing for her website

Published by
Juliet Turalski

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