Categories: HealthLifestyle

What Happens To Your Body When You Give Up Alcohol

When you get the itch to go out with your girlfriends, celebrate a special event in your life, or to simply unwind with your partner after a hard day’s work, you may find yourself with an alcoholic drink in your hand. For centuries, alcohol has been the social custom to share in new experiences with others, but sometimes one drink becomes two, then three, and maybe four or more. Without even realizing it, we consume more alcohol than planned and sometimes even, become dependent on it.

No matter what your relationship is with alcohol, it’s beneficial to check in with yourself and begin to moderate how much alcohol you actually consume, as the affects on your body are significant. Research has proven that eliminating alcohol positively effects your body. Keep reading to learn how… 

You’ll sleep better.

Studies have proven time and time again that alcohol disrupts your sleeping pattern. Those two glasses of alcohol conk you into a deeper sleep, which causes you to skip the initial cycle of REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, leaving you feeling exhausted the next day. Also, skipping REM cycles can cause you to snore, making for a louder and restless sleep. Not to mention, the more you drink in the evening, the more likely you are to wake up in the middle of the night and run to use the toilet.  Avoiding drinking near bedtime will significantly increase your chances for a restful night’s sleep.

Your complexion will clear.

Alcohol is a diuretic, which means it encourages the body to lose extra fluid, making you dehydrated and dries out the skin. Dry skin not only itches but also causes rough, red patches to appear.

The sugar found in many mixed drinks, lead to systemic inflammation, contributing to cell damage and increased skin aging. Put simply, the less sugar you consume, the less wrinkles you’ll have. Eliminating alcohol can in turn help dry skin related conditions such as dandruff, eczema, and rosacea.

Risk for cancer falls.

Alcohol is linked to many cancers. According to the National Cancer Institute, alcohol use has been linked to an increased risk for cancers of the mouth, liver, breast, colon, and rectum. Alcohol (ethanol) is converted into a toxic chemical called acetaldehyde, which can cause damage to DNA and increase the liver cells to grow faster, triggering the cells to stop repairing the damage. Alcohol also increases the growth of some hormones, which trigger a divide in the cells, leading to the risk of breast cancer. If you are in the habit of drinking and are at risk for cancer, we recommend you consult your doctor for further information.

It will be easier to lose weight.

Alcohol stimulates your appetite and lowers your inhibitions, which can lead to eating more throughout the day and night then you intended. Also, when you drink alcohol it breaks down acetate (vinegar), which breaks down before sugar or fat. This means that any other food being processed in the body is put on hold and is not properly broken down, converted to body fat, which is permanently stored in your body.  Also, many alcohol beverages contain 150-400 calories, including sugar, both of which lead to bloating and weight gain.

Overall, moderating or eliminating alcohol find your diet can transform the way your body looks and feels. Making a conscious decision to replace alcohol with healthier drinks, can lead to healthier and happier lifestyle.

Juliet Turalski

Juliet Turalski is a certified success coach and business mentor for women who have a burning mission and desire to earn great while living a lifestyle they love. She specifically assists entrepreneurs on how to connect with their purpose, authentically communicate their message, and transform their relationship to wealth so they can do more of what they love with who they love (can you say earn great and travel often?). She believes when a woman accesses her feminine power that she liberates herself and the world. Also touted as a inspirational speaker, yoga teacher, and host of the Youtube channel, Blissed TV, you can find her traveling and writing for her website

Published by
Juliet Turalski

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