Spring Skincare Guide

The change in seasons can have a major impact on our skin, especially as we move from winter into spring. The change in temperature results in more allergens in the air and can even trigger breakouts. Be prepared for this seasonal change by giving your skin a little extra love with our spring skincare guide…

1. Give your pores a “spring cleaning” with a facial.

If you’ve been neglecting your skin and not giving it the attention it deserves, there’s a good chance you’re overdue for a little “spring cleaning” of your pores. Book an appointment with a local aesthetician for a facial to ensure your skin gets the deep down clean it needs. A professional facial is a great way to clear blackheads and eliminate clogged pores. It’s also a great idea to do this as spring arrives because the change in weather can make your skin more susceptible to breakouts due to allergens and environmental toxins.

2. Make sure you’re using SPF.

Wear SPF

There’s a good chance you’ve been skipping SPF during the winter months, although it’s not recommended because your skin can still be damaged by the winter sunshine. However, once spring rolls around and you’re spending more time outdoors, forgetting the SPF just isn’t acceptable. Get into the habit of applying SPF every single morning as part of your skincare routine, and before long this will be part of your daily regimen.

3. Clean or replace your makeup brushes.

Clean Makeup Brush

Spring cleaning shouldn’t stop with your home, ladies. Give your makeup brushes some attention too. Clean all of your brushes to remove any built-up makeup, oil, or bacteria to ensure you aren’t causing breakouts or skin irritation when you use them. If you have any brushes that are looking particularly worn out, toss them in the trash and get some new ones.

4. Invest in a moisturizer for dry skin.


If the winter months have left your skin feeling tight and dry, you may want to invest in a moisturizer specifically formulated to treat dehydration will provide your face with the extra boost of hydration it needs. Those dry, flaky patches will be gone in no time at all, and your youthful, radiant glow will be restored.

Rachel Moffett

Rachel is the blogger behind the lifestyle site, The Haute Notes. She has been blogging since 2009 and loves to use her passion for writing to share fashion advice, beauty tips, and glittery DIYs. Her site aims to help women live fabulous lives, no matter what their budget may be. When she's not blogging, you will likely find her reading for her book club or having movie marathons with friends.

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