Sleep or Exercise: Which is More Important?

I know that my body needs exercise, but as a new mom, it’s very hard to drag myself out of bed before the baby wakes each morning to squeeze in a sweat session. I’m definitely not the only one torn between choosing sleep and a workout, so I did a little research on which one is more important to a healthy lifestyle. The answers were surprising! 

In short, both sleep and exercise are crucial to the body, so you really shouldn’t skimp on either one. But, if you are reading this thinking that you’re going to need a 25-hour day to get both things accomplished, fear not! It turns out that they actually work quite well together. Getting the right amount of sleep (7-9 hours) will help you to maintain maximum energy levels so that you can get the most out of your workouts, even if you only have 30 minutes a day. In turn, exercise will actually help you to sleep more soundly so that the time you spend snoozing is deep and truly helps your body to recharge. I have found that when I’m not exercising regularly, I actually require more sleep because I toss and turn more throughout the night.

Good night sleep will slow down your skin’s aging process, your body also makes new collagen proteins that give the skin its strength, structure and elasticity. Sleep can’t magically remove wrinkles but it will aid in cell tissue repair.

If you’re still stuck trying to find time in your day to exercise, just remember that sleep should be the very last thing that you sacrifice. Many of us can sneak in a lunchtime walk and choose to eat at our desk, or opt to watch some of your favorite shows on the treadmill instead of sacked out on the couch. For me, yoga is one of the best things that I can do for my body and my brain. I have found that making time for a class after I drop my daughter at daycare is hugely important to how I look and feel. I usually end up doing an extra hour of work after she goes to sleep, but it’s worth it for me to keep feeling healthy.

I also discovered that exercise will increase blood flow which helps nourish skin cells and make them look more vital. Blood carries nutrients and oxygen through the body and the skin. Regular workouts will reduce stress, with that some skin conditions like acne or eczema can improve.

My research also stressed that consistency in scheduling is key if you’re someone that is pressed for time. While I understand this is important, I also find that it’s unrealistic. For me, each day is different so I can’t go to bed at the same time on Mondays and Tuesdays, or exercise at the same time on Wednesdays and Thursdays. I do know that if I plan ahead, I can easily decide at which point during the day I can find time to work out. If I’m unable to make a class, I have a stash of yoga DVDs that I can throw in at home to make sure that I get my body moving. In lieu of a repetitive schedule, I would encourage weekly planning (including weekends!) so that you find time to get your body both the physical activity and the rest that it requires.

How do you find the time to sleep well and stay active? Let me know in the comments below…

Lara Ramos

Lara Ramos is the voice behind popular beauty blog, The Glossarie. She translates her passion for products into writing in an attempt to help her readers to build a prettier lifestyle, starting with their makeup bag. Lara’s exclusively-positive reviews focus on quality, highlighting things that are as effective on the inside as they are beautiful on the out. When she is not blogging, Lara enjoys snuggling her newborn daughter and exploring her home city of Washington, DC with her husband, Steve.

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