Skin Care Tips

5 Nutrients That Help Clear Acne

As someone who is on the eve of her 34th birthday and still struggles with breakouts, let me tell you, acne sufferers will try just about anything. The natural urge is to opt for topical treatments, scrubs, masks, and medicines. The truth is, acne is a skin condition that can have both internal and external causes, so certain supplements can be effective for making an impact and helping to clear the skin.

Want to learn more? Continue using your appropriate skincare regimen and here are 5 nutrients that help to clear acne… 

Vitamin A

Vitamin A supports the natural cell production that helps to prevent clogged pores. In its simplest form, Vitamin A assists dead skin with sloughing off and also reduces the amount of oil that your skin produces. Reach for yellow-orange fruit and vegetables like sweet potato, pumpkin, squashes and carrots or you can choose kale and spinach to get your daily dose.


It turns out that many acne sufferers are deficient in Zinc, so adding in a supplement can make a great improvement. Zinc reduces skin irritation by carrying Vitamin A to your skin and also reducing hormonal imbalances. Oysters, crabs and grass-fed beef are perfect options for boosting your Zinc intake!


Probiotics are wonderful for so many reasons. We give them to our toddler daughter regularly to help keep her immune system boosted and I have personally found that taking them daily can be hugely helpful in keeping my skin clear. Bad bacteria from the gut cause inflammation. Probiotics host good bacteria that play a significant role in total wellness, including clear and healthy skin.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

I suffer from inflammatory acne that is caused by increased sebum. Thankfully, Omega-3 Fatty Acids can actually control the production of the sebum and keep acne under control. I find it in three of my favorite foods – avocados, salmon, and walnuts (which I eat by the handful!) – and purposefully adding these into my diet has really helped to change my face for the better.


If you’re looking to prevent blocked pores, you already know that Vitamin A is your friend, but a dietary mineral called Selenium can also be incredibly effective. By dramatically increasing your antioxidant levels, Selenium helps to combat the air pollution, sunlight, makeup chemicals and free radicals that combine with sebum to make for one disastrous combination. You can find this nutrient in eggs, fish, and Brazil nuts – the very best source in the whole world.

I’ll be curious to know if any of these nutrients will find their way into your diet or vitamin regimen – and even more curious to hear if they work any magic!

Lara Ramos

Lara Ramos is the voice behind popular beauty blog, The Glossarie. She translates her passion for products into writing in an attempt to help her readers to build a prettier lifestyle, starting with their makeup bag. Lara’s exclusively-positive reviews focus on quality, highlighting things that are as effective on the inside as they are beautiful on the out. When she is not blogging, Lara enjoys snuggling her newborn daughter and exploring her home city of Washington, DC with her husband, Steve.

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  • I like acne serum from dermalmd. I have Lil sensitive skin so I first was worried about using it, after trying it 3,4 times,I felt great as it reduces the acne and has no reaction on the skin. Must try the serum.

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Lara Ramos

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