How to Really Boost Your Metabolism

I know that I’m not alone in my hopes and prayers for a faster metabolism. While many of us wish that we could transform the magical method through which our bodies burn calories, making an impact on your metabolism isn’t the easiest trick to achieve. Since boosting your metabolic rate directly impacts the number of calories that you are able to burn in a day, it’s only natural that we’d all be looking for ways to make a positive change. So what’s the secret? Read on for a few suggestions on how to perk things up. 

You already know that skipping breakfast is a bad idea. Passing up a meal sends the message for your body to conserve instead of burn, so keeping a regular meal schedule will help to ensure that your metabolism stays steady. If you want to kick things up a notch, reach for proteins like lean meat, fish and eggs to really give things a push.

If you’re a gym rat, then you’re already helping to keep things in control, but did you know that the type of exercise you practice can make a difference? Weight or strength training can actually raise your metabolism for hours after you’ve finished the activity. You’re far better off spending 30 minutes lifting weights than on the treadmill, so spend your time wisely and keep your body burning much, much longer.

The types of foods you eat can also have a temporary effect on how your body burns calories. Spicy foods like a bowl of chili can actually have a marginal impact on your normal rate, while also giving you the feeling of being full much sooner. Now, I’m not a spicy food lover, so I did a little extra research on the effects of heat. It turns out that you can achieve a similar burn by sitting in a sauna – who knew?

If you’re a caffeine junkie like me, you’ll be happy to hear that switching from coffee to green tea (or adding it into your afternoon routine) can give your metabolism a nice jumpstart. This drink of choice contains an ingredient known to speed things up without the added sugar of a soda. An added bonus is feeling more alert, just try to cut yourself off before 4 pm so that you don’t have any trouble sleeping.

Finally – go on, get happy! For one, stress does not do nice things to your body, metabolism included. It’s a known fact that calmer people burn more calories – besides, I know that I tend to reach for junk food when I’m feeling the pressure. And, beyond letting go of your worries, laughing just might be the best way to burn some calories and keep things on the up and up. So, take up yoga and spend some serious time with the people in your life who make you smile. Both your psyche and the numbers on the scale will reflect positively as a result of your efforts.

So, how does your metabolism measure up? Are you doing all of the right things to keep it in check? Or have you been unknowingly slowing things down?

Lara Ramos

Lara Ramos is the voice behind popular beauty blog, The Glossarie. She translates her passion for products into writing in an attempt to help her readers to build a prettier lifestyle, starting with their makeup bag. Lara’s exclusively-positive reviews focus on quality, highlighting things that are as effective on the inside as they are beautiful on the out. When she is not blogging, Lara enjoys snuggling her newborn daughter and exploring her home city of Washington, DC with her husband, Steve.

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