
6 Bad Habits That Could Be Wrecking Your Sleep

Are you struggling to fall asleep at night? You aren’t alone. Not getting enough sleep will leave you tired, cranky, and feeling stressed. After all, you need to get your beauty rest. To help you figure out what’s causing your sleeping troubles, we’re sharing six bad habits that could be wrecking your sleep… 

1. Going to Sleep Too Early

You may think that hitting the hay early is a good thing, but the truth is, it might not be. If you’re suffering from insomnia, it actually might help to stay up a little later so that when you do finally climb into bed, your body will be ready to rest too. To figure out the perfect time for you to go to sleep, consider what time you need to wake up in the morning. Count backwards six to eight hours and make that the time you get into bed. This will ensure you’re feeling tired by the time lay down and you’ll still get plenty of hours of sleep.

2. No Set Bedtime

You may be thinking that bedtimes are for children, but they’re a must for adults too! Going off what we said previously, you definitely want to give yourself a set bedtime if you have trouble falling asleep. When you get into a routine of going to bed at the same time every night, it’ll become much easier for your body to adjust and for you to fall asleep. Figure out your ideal bedtime and try relaxing for an hour beforehand to help your body and mind wind down.

3. Drinking Caffeine Too Late (Or Too Much During the Day)

We already know that caffeine can keep you awake at night, but are you really considering how much caffeine you’re drinking? Caffeine can actually stay in our system for approximately eight to 10 hours. As a result, you should watch your caffeine intake throughout the day. Don’t drink too much soda or coffee and don’t drink it late in the day, otherwise you risk a restless night.

4. Using a Phone or Tablet Before Going to Bed

These days we’re all pretty attached to our phones and tablets, but could it be what’s keeping you up at night? It just might be! Studies have shown that being on your electronic devices so close to bedtime could actually prevent your brain from shutting down. Instead, ditch the phone at least an hour before your bedtime. Try reading a book or doing something else to help you unwind.

5. You Have a Clock in Your Bedroom

Ask yourself this: how many nights have you had difficulty falling asleep, only to keep checking the clock to watch the minutes and hours tick by? Probably more often than you’d like to admit! The truth is, watching the clock is only going to leave you feel frustrated and stressed out about not being able to fall asleep, which isn’t ideal. If you find that you’re guilty of this, remove the clock from your bedroom or at least turn it around so you can’t see the numbers glowing in your face.

6. You Have a Drink Before Bed

Hate to break it to you ladies, but having a drink before bed might not be the best idea. Even though you may feel like that glass of wine is making you a little sleepy, it’s more likely to cause you to wake up in the middle of the night. You’ll have a hard time entering deep sleep if you keep waking up as your body metabolizes the alcohol. Next time, skip the drinks before bed!

Rachel Moffett

Rachel is the blogger behind the lifestyle site, The Haute Notes. She has been blogging since 2009 and loves to use her passion for writing to share fashion advice, beauty tips, and glittery DIYs. Her site aims to help women live fabulous lives, no matter what their budget may be. When she's not blogging, you will likely find her reading for her book club or having movie marathons with friends.

Published by
Rachel Moffett

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