
8 Foods and Drinks That Are Secretly Loaded With Sugar

It’s no secret that consuming too much sugar can have a negative impact on our bodies. It’s important that we keep an eye on our sugar intake, but it can be hard when quite a few of the things we eat regularly actually have more sugar than we may have originally thought. To help you out, we put together a list of foods and drinks that, surprisingly, can have a rather high sugar content. Keep that in mind when eating or drinking any of these… 

1. Fruit Juice

You probably feel like you’re doing your body good when consuming a glass of fruit juice, right? Well, did you know that you might actually be putting a ton of unnecessary sugar into your body? Many fruit juices actually contain a large amount of sugar in order to sweeten the drinks. So, even though you’re getting all of those beneficial vitamins and minerals, you’re also getting some stuff that’s no so great for you.

That one glass of fruit juice contains a lot more sugar than you’d get from just eating the whole fruit itself. So, instead of turning to those store-bought fruit juices, opt for eating a whole fruit instead or try making your own juice at home. You can control just what goes into it.

2. Sports Drinks

While sports drinks are designed to give your body hydration and fuel during intense workouts, many of them come packed with a load of sugar. A standard size (20 oz) sports drink can contain upwards of 8 teaspoons of sugar. Your body absorbs the sugar quickly and then uses it to provide you with more energy. For most of us, drinking water during a workout will do just fine in keeping us hydrated.

3. Flavored Coffee

Have you ever stopped to think just how much sugar is in your flavored coffee order from Starbucks? Probably not. Instead of thinking about the amount of sugar they contain, people continue to order them so they can receive their daily caffeine fix. However, some of those drinks contain even more sugar than a can of soda! The next time you’re heading to Starbucks, try skipping the flavored syrups to avoid any added sugar.

4. Many Protein Bars

Not all protein bars are created equal! While some have a low amount of sugar in them, others contain a lot more than you might realize. The next time you’re purchasing a box of protein bars at the store, check to see just how much sugar they have in them so you can make an educated choice. Many of them are quite similar to your average candy bar in that they contain as much as 30 grams of sugar per serving, which is not what you’d consider a healthy snack!

5. Canned Fruit

Canned fruit is incredibly misleading if you fail to read the facts on the nutrition label. You may think you’re doing something great for your body by consuming this fruit, but it’s likely doing more harm than good. You see, all fruit contains natural sugars, which is fine. However, most of the canned fruits on the market today come packed in sugary syrups, ultimately giving you more sugar than you really need.

Instead, you should reach for whole, fresh fruit instead. This way, you ensure you’re only consuming the natural sugars the fruits contain, instead of any added sugars. If you do want to purchase canned fruit, find one that is packaged in 100% fruit juice for less sugar.

6. Many Breakfast Cereals

There are a wide range of breakfast cereals today, so it’s worthwhile to take the time to read nutrition labels when you’re shopping for one. The cereals marketed toward children as especially packed with high levels of sugar, making them a less-than-ideal choice for breakfast each morning.

When choosing a cereal, find one that is low in sugar, but high in fiber. This will help you feel full without providing your body with an unnecessary amount of added sugar.

7. Many Salad Dressings

Salads are certainly a healthy meal option, but only if you’re careful about the toppings you add. Many people forget to consider the sugar level in their salad dressing of choice. Before you pour a bunch of dressing over your delicious salad, check to see just how much extra sugar you’re adding to your plate. Choose a dressing that is low in sugar and leave your dressing on the side, instead of pouring it onto your salad. This will help you control just how much you consume.

8. Canned Baked Beans

The great thing about beans is that they’re packed with the protein our body needs. However, if you’re reaching for canned baked beans thinking they’re healthy side for your dinner, you thought wrong! One cup of regular baked beans can contain as much as five teaspoons of sugar. If you want baked beans, go for a low-sugar option or try making your own at home!

Rachel Moffett

Rachel is the blogger behind the lifestyle site, The Haute Notes. She has been blogging since 2009 and loves to use her passion for writing to share fashion advice, beauty tips, and glittery DIYs. Her site aims to help women live fabulous lives, no matter what their budget may be. When she's not blogging, you will likely find her reading for her book club or having movie marathons with friends.

Published by
Rachel Moffett

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