Categories: Health

Fitness Hacks for Getting in Shape Quickly

Scheduling time for fitness is not always my number one priority, especially when I spend most of my time chasing after an eight month old. You would think that is enough activity, but the truth is that this time of year I am at my heaviest. After a winter of hibernation is when I start to become the most active – but who has the time? Thankfully, I have learned that working out doesn’t have to include a trip to and from the gym or a 90-minute yoga class.

These are just a handful of my favorite fitness hacks to help you sneak in a sweat session, even when your busy lifestyle begs to differ.

1. Squeeze in a quickie.

The truth is, you don’t need an hour of your day to reap the full benefits of exercise. I have learned that even just twenty minutes of cardio can do the trick. I like to mix things up to keep it interesting. Doing a high-knee slow jog, repetitive lunges, squats, and even jumping jacks can seriously get the heart racing! If your upper arms need a boost, throw in some push-ups with shoulder taps and end with a solid set of crunches. The time will fly if you pop in your headphones and sweat along to your favorite music. Just remember, consistency is key and everyone has at least 20 minutes a day.

2. Work out while you work.

If you’re like me, you spend your day tied to a chair, hunched over a computer. It’s the worst! To feel a bit more physically engaged while I work, I like to bring my laptop over to my kitchen island and stand while I answer emails. I even throw in a calf raise here and there! If you don’t have the luxury of working from home, swap your office chair out for an exercise ball or take the long way around to the break room. Make sure to pop up at least once per hour to break up your sitting time with bursts of activity. Trust me – it’s good for your body and your concentration!

3. Keep a gym bag in your car.

Or better yet, change into your gym clothes before you leave the office! This is one of my favorite mind tricks. I am so much more likely to keep my exercise commitment if I’m already in my workout gear. After a long commute, sometimes the last thing you feel like doing is adding in a workout, but I promise this simple trick will help to hold you accountable. If you’re lucky enough to work in an office equipped with a fitness room, try swapping your lunch break for a stint on the elliptical and zone out to some music or even some indulgent reality TV. There’s nothing better than a mid-day brain break, complete with an energy boost.

4. Skip targeted exercise and go for full-body moves instead.

You might as well get the very most out of your time investment when it comes to working out. If you’re crunched for time, try to get the best out of your workout by activating multiple muscle groups. Swapping kettleballs for free weights is just one option that works to activate your core and your arms at the same time. You can also walk hills on the treadmill holding hand weights for some added resistance. If you’re reducing the time that you’re able to spend being active, try to make the most of it by getting in a really good sweat!

5. Start a challenge with friends.

It’s no secret that competition can be great motivation! I know that when I’m starting a new diet or exercise regime, I tell everyone I know. That way when it comes up in conversation, I can take a hard look at my efforts to see if I’m really committed to the plan I created. It’s also fun to work out with friends! While I was wedding planning, I started an office walking group to help myself get into shape while also getting to know the people that I shared my office with. It was tons of fun and we would even log our weekly steps on a shared document. It was nothing fancy, but the slight challenge and standing calendar invitation meant that I was far less likely to skip out on my workout.

6. Commercial “crunch time”.

Commercials are a great time to get in a mini move. It’s so easy to zone out to evening television, but using commercial breaks to get active is a simple solution. They don’t last long and they come at intervals that make it seem as though you’re not working that hard, when in truth you’re burning extra calories without much added effort. I like to alternate crunches, chair pose, plank holds, and bridge pose. Bring on the bikini!

7. Turn your home into a gym.

If a gym membership won’t exactly suit your lifestyle or your budget, it’s easy to get your workouts in at home. Technology makes it hard to make excuses with apps that offer yoga poses with instruction or even 7-minute workouts! In most cases, all you need is sneakers and a towel or yoga mat. I know that I prefer to use my body for resistance in lieu of lifting weights. If lots of equipment isn’t your thing, opt for an app or DVD program, or do some YouTube research to see the workout options available for free.

All of this fitness talk actually has me craving my evening workout! How do you stay fit when you’re crunched for time?

Lara Ramos

Lara Ramos is the voice behind popular beauty blog, The Glossarie. She translates her passion for products into writing in an attempt to help her readers to build a prettier lifestyle, starting with their makeup bag. Lara’s exclusively-positive reviews focus on quality, highlighting things that are as effective on the inside as they are beautiful on the out. When she is not blogging, Lara enjoys snuggling her newborn daughter and exploring her home city of Washington, DC with her husband, Steve.

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Lara Ramos

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