Skin Care Tips

Ensuring Product Freshness and Authenticity: A Quick Guide

It’s pretty safe to say that online shopping has made our lives much easier. We can order everything from clothes, books, groceries, and even our skincare right from the comfort of our couch. But have you ever stopped to think about the authenticity of the products you’re receiving? It’s something you should definitely keep in mind when it comes to purchasing skincare products both online and in-store. 

Why? Well, if you aren’t purchasing your skincare products from a trusted, authorized retailer, you might not be getting exactly what you paid for. Some of these products could be what’s known as “diverted products.” Here’s why that could be a problem for you:

The Risks of Purchasing Diverted Products

If you aren’t familiar with diverted products, you may be unaware just how much of an issue they pose for you as a consumer. It also poses a huge problem for brands because they don’t want their reputation being tarnished by any diverted products being sold with their name. In some cases, diverted products being sold by unauthorized retailers may be counterfeit. Even if the packaging and everything seems legitimate, you’d be smart to pass. If you aren’t buying from an authorized retailer, there’s a high likelihood that you could be receiving a fake product.

Many unauthorized retailers are found to be selling old or expired products. Keep in mind that skincare products do have expiration dates. When you’re spending top-dollar on your skincare, you want to make sure you’re getting the best, not something that’s out-of-date. When you order online or purchase at stores who aren’t authorized to be selling the brand, there’s no telling how long a particular product has been sitting on a shelf, collecting dust. However, when you order from authorized retailers, you can feel confident you’re getting something that’s new, unopened, and real.

It’s pretty scary to think that some diverted products have actually been opened and tampered with. Many have been found to be diluted by being “watered down,” meaning you aren’t getting the quality product you had hoped for. Sometimes these products have had unknown substances added to them, which could be putting you at harm. There’s no telling whether or not products being sold by an unauthorized retailer are safe to use, so it’s best to say no.

How Yon-Ka Handles Diversion

Unfortunately, there are a number of online retailers who claim to be selling Yon-Ka products, but are not authorized to do so. We keep an eye on these channels and take legal action to stop diverters. We use advanced tracking methods to regularly monitor anyone who is suspected of diversion and we trace diverted product back to its original source so we can put a stop to it.

We do not endorse the sale or purchase of our products on non-partner-affiliated websites. We want to make sure you receive a true Yon-Ka Paris product when you purchase, so make sure you only shop with one of our authorized retailers.

Check Before You Buy

The next time you’re purchasing skincare products, check with the brand to see which stores are authorized retailers for the product you’re searching for. You might be surprised how many big names (such as Amazon and Walmart) sell certain products without authorization, potentially putting you at harm.

In most cases, you can see a list of authorized retailers on a brand’s website. If you’re still not sure, you can always contact them. It’s better to be safe and ensure you’re getting the real deal when you buy.

Rachel Moffett

Rachel is the blogger behind the lifestyle site, The Haute Notes. She has been blogging since 2009 and loves to use her passion for writing to share fashion advice, beauty tips, and glittery DIYs. Her site aims to help women live fabulous lives, no matter what their budget may be. When she's not blogging, you will likely find her reading for her book club or having movie marathons with friends.

View Comments

  • You have a link in the article to "unauthorized resellers" that goes to blank page. And there are no commonalities listed or comparisons for a real product vs a fake product. Also diversion and counterfeiting are two different things. Diversion is when an authorized dealer sells to unauthorized distributors.
    The product may be authentic but the outlet not meeting company standards for cleanliness, customer service, informed licensed aestheticians.
    Thank you

Published by
Rachel Moffett

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