Beat the Summer Heat — No AC Needed!

If high temperatures have you feeling like you’re out in the Sahara rather than enjoying summer, this post is for you. Air conditioning isn’t the only cure for cooling off and we’ve got seven simple ways you can beat the heat without touching the thermostat. 

1. Check your labels.

Woman Shirt

Some fabrics breathe better than others so give your summer wardrobe a once over. If labels aren’t listing cotton, it could be the reason you feel suffocated. Cotton is the most cooling clothing option since it naturally ventilates (unlike polyester or silk) making it the perfect choice for hotter months. You’re going to want to switch your sheets out too to help you sleep comfortably even on those balmy nights.

2. Transform your fan into an air conditioner.

Fan Tip

This is so old school — but it works! Fill a shallow pan with ice and place it directly in front of a fan. The air will blow through the ice creating a cold breeze that will eventually evolve into a mister when the ice starts to melt. This is a quick fix for keeping a room cool during a meal or when you just want to kick back and relax.

3. Unplug.


To help keep your house cool, leave as few electronics on as possible. Everything from lights to your computer generates heat and can make a warm room sweltering. Only plug in what you’re using and keep lights off wherever possible. If you have a dimmer, take advantage of it and keep lights low.

4. Block out sunlight.

Okay, so it sounds kind of “vampire-ish” but the less natural light beaming in through windows the better. Shut blinds and curtains during the day to block out the sun and the heat that comes with it.

5. Keep a water mist on hand.

Spraying a little water on your face, neck and chest not only cools you off but it can also revitalize your complexion. Even better, misting yourself with your favorite toner can help combat redness and sanitize your skin. The essential oils found in Lotion Yon-Ka PS are soothing and also ward off the pesky bacteria and environmental toxins that live on the skin’s surface. Place your Lotion Yon-Ka PS in the refrigerator and enjoy an aromatic treatment mist that quenches “summer thirsty” skin.

6. Don’t underestimate the power of your imagination.

Focus on the hot, humid weather and you’re sure to feel sticky and uncomfortable! Instead imagine yourself in a cool, temperate climate and help set the scene with a few props. A white noise machine playing the calming sound of waves or rain will let your mind linger to cool, refreshing water. Replacing clutter with a few large, leafy plants can also help open up a space and make you feel more at ease.

7. Drink enough water.

Drink Water For Better Skin

A cool drink is refreshing on its own but drinking water regularly during summer can also keep your body hydrated and happy. Sweating can lead to dehydration so it’s especially important to drink water in warmer months. Even right before going to bed, a small glass of water is beneficial since we tend to toss around and sweat in our sleep.

Lara Ramos

Lara Ramos is the voice behind popular beauty blog, The Glossarie. She translates her passion for products into writing in an attempt to help her readers to build a prettier lifestyle, starting with their makeup bag. Lara’s exclusively-positive reviews focus on quality, highlighting things that are as effective on the inside as they are beautiful on the out. When she is not blogging, Lara enjoys snuggling her newborn daughter and exploring her home city of Washington, DC with her husband, Steve.

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