5 Ways to Fight Fatigue

Tiredness can creep up at any moment, stopping us from carrying out our normal routine and jeopardizing the quality of our work. While a power nap could help put a bit more pep in our step, a twenty-minute time out is not always an option. Here are a few of my five favorite ways to fight fatigue — none of which include sneaking out to your car for a quick snooze. 

1. Fuel up on iron and magnesium.

If you’re feeling foggy, your diet may be lacking. The most common culprits of fatigue are low levels of iron and magnesium. Amp up your iron intake by eating more beans, meat, and hemp seeds (all of which will deliver a large chunk of your recommended daily dose). To get your magnesium fulfillment, reach for leafy greens, oatmeal, and pumpkin seeds. While minerals are best absorbed from natural sources, taking a daily supplement is better than nothing. In other words, if your weekend meal plan consists of pizza and chicken wings, it might be a good idea to pop a multivitamin in the morning.

2. Sleep sounder at night.


If you’re getting seven to nine hours of sleep but still wake up feeling tired, the quality of your slumber may be the issue. Restlessness can be caused by a slew of problems so getting to the core could take a little trial and error. First try eliminating common distractions, like light and sound. Even the soft glow of electronics can compromise the quality of your sleep so avoid sleeping in the same room as your wireless adaptor or cable box. Noise is also an obvious interrupter. If you live in a busy city or an apartment building with paper-thin walls, try sleeping with earplugs to block out your nocturnal neighbors.

3. Get your gut healthy.

Since poor digestion can leave you feeling lethargic, your fatigue could be stemming from your gut. Try incorporating probiotics into your diet, which are a “good” form of bacteria that fights against “bad” bacteria and also helps move food through your digestive system. You can find probiotics in yogurt and other fermented foods, or in pill form (check the refrigerated section of your local health store).

4. Be social.

Happy Hour

When you’re feeling run down, the last thing you want to do is dress up and show up but it’s actually one of the best things for you! Lack of human interaction can put you in a funk and when we’re around friends and family we release oxytocin, a chemical that promotes wellbeing. Sorry Ben and Jerry, looks like your couch date is getting cancelled.

5. Quit crashing after your workout.

We exercise to be healthier and feel better but sometimes strenuous physical activity can leave us feeling less than ideal. If you find yourself plummeting post workout, try supplementing during your session with BCAAs, ALCAR, glucose or a combination. BCAAs and ALCAR are all amino acids that help fight fitness fatigue and increase muscle strength. Glucose (often sold as a dextrose powder) is simply a sugar but it is beneficial when taken throughout your workout to increase energy and performance.

Korrie Martinez

Korrie Martinez is a graduate from the University of Florida’s School of Journalism and Communication where she began her career as a freelance writer. She covers beauty, health, fashion and travel, and loves discovering new trends and destinations. Follow Korrie on Instagram and Twitter @kokonez, or at www.korriemartinez.com.

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