Categories: HealthLifestyle

7 Habits of Happy People

Odds are, you’ve probably wondered why that certain person in your life always seems to be so happy. Which, in turn, makes you wonder why you aren’t the same way. Well, it doesn’t mean that there’s anything wrong with you. In fact, some people are just born happier due to genetics. However, your happiness is also something you can control. Here are a few habits of happy people that you can be sure to include in your life…

1. Be social.

It should come as no surprise that having friends can make you a happier person. The next time you’re feeling down in the dumps, call up your best friend and make plans to hang out or even just talk. Simply connecting with a friend when you’re feeling blue can lift your spirits in no time. Plus, having friendships and that special bond with other people is essential to your well-being.

2. Be thankful.

Expressing their gratitude is something that a lot of happy people do often. If you’re grateful for the things you have in your life, you’ll attract more to be grateful for, right? Make it a point to express gratitude for the things and people you have in your life.

Compliment your best friend. Tell your family that you love and appreciate them. Small acts such as these are simple ways to put a smile on the faces of your loved ones (and on your face, too).

Another great way to express your gratitude is to start journaling! A gratitude journal will come in handy for recording thoughts at the end of each and every day. Try starting one yourself! Before you go to bed at night, reflect on the day and jot down 3-5 things you were grateful for that day. It’s a great habit to get into and you can look back on your journal entries whenever you’re not feeling your best.

3. Be proactive.

Don’t be afraid to go for something you want. Is there any better feeling than the moment you achieve a goal you’ve worked so hard to accomplish? I don’t think so! Make sure you set goals for yourself and actively work toward making them a reality. The journey and the end result are sure to bring you endless happiness.

4. Do things you enjoy.

We all have busy schedules, so it can sometimes be hard to make time for ourselves. Finding time for the things you love to do is important, not only to your happiness, but also to your mental well-being.

So, what’s a hobby you enjoy? Do you love to write or read new books? Do you love to hike, bike, or maybe even knit? Whatever it is, make time in your schedule each and every week to do something you genuinely love. After all, you deserve it!

5. Give back.

Volunteering and giving back to your community isn’t just good for the world around you. It’s good for you, too! When you can dedicate your time and energy to supporting a cause you love, you’ll feel so much better about yourself! Find an organization you would like to support and figure out what you can do to help. Can you raise money or donate your time? Get your friends and family involved for something you can all do together!

6. Spend money on memories, not things.

Those new shoes may bring you joy for a moment, but it won’t last forever. Instead, spend money on something that will create amazing memories for you. Plan vacations with friends or family or even small outings with the ones you care about. It’s those memories that will last a lifetime and that you can always look back on fondly.

7. Exercise.

Exercise gives you endorphins, which helps to make you happier. Whenever you’re feeling a little gloomy, go for a run or turn on your favorite workout video from YouTube. Getting up off the couch and getting in a quick workout is great for your mood and your health, both physically and mentally.

What habits make you a happy person? Leave your answer in the comments section below…

Rachel Moffett

Rachel is the blogger behind the lifestyle site, The Haute Notes. She has been blogging since 2009 and loves to use her passion for writing to share fashion advice, beauty tips, and glittery DIYs. Her site aims to help women live fabulous lives, no matter what their budget may be. When she's not blogging, you will likely find her reading for her book club or having movie marathons with friends.

Published by
Rachel Moffett

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