7 Benefits of Aloe Vera

You probably already know aloe vera is great for your skin. It’s a go to remedy for after-sun care and a key ingredient in many beauty products, including our anti-aging Phyto 52 night cream. Aloe hydrates the skin naturally when applied topically, but its benefits don’t stop on the surface. Ingesting aloe can better your body in many ways and here I’ll discuss seven of the top reasons why people are adding aloe to their diets. 

Benefits of Aloe

1. Aloe is an excellent source of amino acids.

Amino acids are compounds that form proteins and help our bodies repair and grow. They also aid in digestion and give us the energy we need to perform. Out of the 22 amino acids required by humans, aloe vera contains 20. Seven of which are essential amino acids, which means they do not occur naturally in our body and the only way to get them is through food sources.

2. Eating aloe can help with digestion problems.

Aloe can ease symptoms for those suffering with IBS or acid reflux and it also helps the digestive tract function properly. Since it is an adaptogen, aloe helps the body balance itself and fight illnesses. It also contains enzymes that help the body break down sugar and fat.

3. Skin benefits from ingesting aloe as well as applying it topically.

Ingesting aloe for its skin benefits is not uncommon. The plant provides skin-boosting vitamins like vitamin A, C and E, and since it is more than 99% water it helps hydrate skin from the inside out.

4. Aloe alkalizes and detoxifies.

Most of us eat a diet high in acidic foods leaving our bodies unbalanced, and susceptible to disease and infection. Aloe is a great alkaline food that can easily be taken at any time of the day to help our bodies reach a more neutral state. Since aloe is also gelatinous (like soaked chia seeds) it can better absorb toxins as it moves through our system, helping to flush out toxic waste.

5. Aloe is a vegan source of B12.

Getting B12 outside of meat or dairy sources is almost impossible but aloe is one of the few vegan foods that contain this vital vitamin. B12 is necessary for your nerves, blood cells and brain to function properly — so if you don’t feel you are getting enough from food sources or a supplement, try incorporating aloe into your diet.

6. Aloe can reduce inflammation.

Aloe contains fatty acids that can slow down inflammation, which is associated with many diseases and ailments. Whether you suffer from stiff joints, dermatitis or another inflammatory disorder, aloe might be a beneficial supplement to help reduce inflammation.

7. Drinking just a few ounces can deliver a dose of vitamins and minerals to the body.

Aloe vera has many of the vitamins and minerals our bodies need. It is a source of choline, multiple B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6, and B12), folic acid, and vitamins A, C, and E. Zinc, manganese, calcium, and iron are a few of the minerals that are also found in the nutritious aloe plant.

Korrie Martinez

Korrie Martinez is a graduate from the University of Florida’s School of Journalism and Communication where she began her career as a freelance writer. She covers beauty, health, fashion and travel, and loves discovering new trends and destinations. Follow Korrie on Instagram and Twitter @kokonez, or at www.korriemartinez.com.

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